Greetings PAACH homeschoolers. A new year is begun and we at PAACH are hard at work getting ready for convention. My family is especially busy on top of that with a house renovation project and planning my oldest daughter’s summer wedding. Life just keeps moving forward and changes keep happening. Some of you may have an intimate understanding of wedding planning or home renovations, and others of you can’t even imagine these things yet. The beauty of being in community with so many different families is that you can find encouragement in the specific challenges that you are facing in whatever phase of life you happen to be journeying through. God really knew what He was doing when he formed the family and charged us to stay in community with other believers. Family is the first place we learn how to do community. We may not always do it well, but we can learn how to encourage, repent, offer forgiveness, show mercy and try again. All these things are wrapped up in bearing one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and family is the training ground. I don’t have a lot to share this month other than these few thoughts: Is your family God’s training ground for your kids? Is discipleship a high priority in your home? What are a few small changes that you can make to improve the effectiveness of your family and glorify God a little more than last year?
As we move toward this year’s convention, our focus is “Being Transformed.” (Romans 12:2) The PAACH board and committee are working to provide you with opportunities to find new resources, discover new tools, and make new connections that will aid you in teaching your children to know and love God. We want to help you learn as a family, grow in community, and glorify God in everything you do, but especially in homeschooling. We look forward to serving your family and seeing what God has in store for you and your children this year.
James Cox PAACH President
For questions regarding newsletter submissions, the Homeschool Convention or home education in general, please send an email to A Board member will respond as soon as possible.
Mailing Address: PAACH | P.O. Box 5203 | Peoria, IL 61601